
So this is my new bloggety-doo-dah. I’m doing this on Google’s to try it out and see if’n I like it. Also because I don’t have to maintain it on one of my own servers.

Ah, introductions… I’m Spark E. Ok, so that is not my real name (…yet) but my friends call me Spark and I prefer it over my given name. Please feel free to address me as Spark. That is, if you address me.

I will add more to this introduction and tuck it away as the “About” page which seems obligatory. But this will do for my first post which I apparently need in order to preview my layout.

Oh, I’m going to post all kinds of unrelated items here. Mostly things that tick me off which I don’t expect anyone to give a rat’s ass about. But, I also intend to post things that I need to remember later and that may benefit others. Things Linux related especially.

I hope this doesn’t turn into one of those things I start and then never really do anything with. But it might. Probably will.

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